A recreation of Nuketown from BO2 as a base, and then expands drastically of the original map.

Call of Duty: World at War


Map created by SirJammy & Ege115


Known bugs:


Tip for opening bunker: The door is beind held shut with an electrical current. Blow up the power sources keeping that door shut!

Nuketown: Remastered is a recreation of Nuketown from BO2 as a base, and then expands drastically of the original map including being able to access the outside map houses & gardens, being able to unlock the bunker (which is far larger than the original Nuketown itself.)

The map itself took me over a year to map. Also Ege115 essentially brought the map together with scripting, adding weapons, fixing bugs and so much more for months on end.

Fixes and changes in Nuketown Remastered 1.1:

Fixes and changes in Nuketown Remastered 1.2:


Thrown together in a day by ivy.dev/MotoLegacy/cypressimplex. Consider subscribing to my Patreon .

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