(Original idea based on a real urban exploration)

Call of Duty: World at War


In the summer of 2015 I went in an urbex with a lot of friends. So I thought why not make a map like this based on a sanatorium.

This map has many features:

Treyarch (CodWaw mod tools)
IZaRTaX (map, level documentation, level design, game design, scripts, fx, sound, textures, models, lights)
RDV (elevator, gondola, character zombies, acidkit, shield, hud, Puase Menu, brutus, hintstring, scripts)
Andy Whelan (photoshop template)
Harry Bo21 (shield, electric cherry, hintstring)
DidUknowiPwn (t6 hud)
DuaLVII (rotating doors, zmb spawn system)
Tom_BMX (tools)
Wollowizzy (beta tester)


Thrown together in a day by ivy.dev/MotoLegacy/cypressimplex. Consider subscribing to my Patreon .

I'll never run ads here, so that's all the shilling you'll see :^)